looking for something?

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Goodluck or the government has nothing to do with this, niether did NIS has any question to answer as regards the souls lost.. I was an eye witness. To be candid if there is any feared dead, it may not be more than one. But who saw the corps? When the rumour started, i risked my head to cover it with my phone. I have quite a footage and snapped shots. The Civil defence van that first came carried just to fat persons. A man and a woman who were trying to re-catch their breath from exhaustion. Can u imagine mothers scramble with tender babies in the hands trying to gain access? Graduates and learned folks scaling through wired fence. For what now? Some of us may want to blame NIS for the N1000 collected. Who has questioned the Nigeria Armed Forces(Army, Navy and Airforce) for the money collect every year for exercises we all know belted with God-fatherism. Nigerians, we fail to learn. If a petrol tanker fall here and now, people will still scramble to scoop fuel. I think NOA has alot do do with orienting Nigerians.

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