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Tuesday, December 7, 2010


HIV: Living positively

In 1986, when the first HIV case was reported, being told that one was infected with HIV was like handing out a death sentence to that individual. Not only was there barely enough information, there was no preventive medicine and we were told there was no cure. Fifteen years down the line, there is still no cure but infected persons don’t have to die anymore as the introduction of anti-retro-viral (ARV) drugs have helped to keep infected persons alive. Do you know your HIV status?

Diet defense against HIV and AIDS

AIDS is thought to be caused by the human immune deficiency virus HIV. The virus destroys the body’s infection fighting T-cells. After exposure to the virus, 3 to 6 months will elapse before tests show evidence that anti-bodies to the virus have or have not developed in the blood. Until then, test reads HIV negative. Early symptoms appear as flu and may take 7 to 11 years to develop.

1 comment:

  1. there is room for make up when we break up. just be there for they need.
